Adult Faith Coordinator
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Adult Faith Formation
The Adult Faith Formation is tasked with providing evangelization and catechesis opportunities for parishioners and others who are interested in knowing the three persons of God. Like the first disciples of Jesus, we are called to be constantly learning what it means to be a Christian, to be sent forth to practice what we have learned and returning to refine our understanding as was the case of the 72 disciples whom Jesus taught, selected and sent out (Luke 10:1-24).
This approach is in keeping with many professions and occupations where at the very least we are/were required to maintain qualifications for everything from First Aid to Professional Competency. (We all study for a profession or apprentice during our career) To accomplish this, we are currently using Alpha (in a Catholic context) as our primary evangelization tool. Alpha leads those attending through the basics of Christianity and helps us to recognize the presence of Jesus in our lives. We can be evangelized in many ways, by entering into prayer or being a member of a faith focused small group.
Catechesis is a deepening of our understanding of our faith through studies of the sacraments, scripture, the Saints, the Catechism and papal documents under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To assist with this, we are currently offering sessions which utilize the Catholic Christian Outreach programs developed in Canada. Many other programs on these topics are available online through various Catholic internet sites, such as Formed which we have a subscription to.
To access any of these resources please contact us at adultfaith.divinemercy@gmail.com